Tittle: Bad Health
This is because the society economy and other changing demanding activities in the lives of people have largely taken up most of the wellbeing of the societies’ individuals. Though, one shouldn’t disregard that what Carole said, it is fatal for a person when he or she ignores his or her needs which, of course, can lead to rather serious repercussions. Thus it is demonstrated here that diseases do not affect simply the exterior look of persons, or weight, gait, or the mental or work capacity of the infected people, or the satisfaction or success of the people with the particular infections.
Another such illness is poor health which immediately whistles to its signs any time they surface and may for instance be a realization that one is not as buoyant as before or as others. For instance, smoking, the use of non-biodegradable polythene bags as well as the regular consumption of packaged and junk foods, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, and inadequate sleep makes people perpetually weary and it is easy to further degrade their working capacity pertaining to focus. As to the use of tiredness, one may get a rather ill received cycle of energy loss wherein they may lack strength to perform good activities.
However, an aspect of quality of health does affect the quality of health positively, but health status has an influence in a negative manner in this regard to the aspect of mental health. Some of them include obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes; all of which are known to have relation to depression and or anxiety. The above mentioned mental health issues are worsened by the fact that one has to fight chronic diseases hence a progressive declining of health. The crucial fact to grasp is that, where one form of health is threatened, the other is rendered vulnerable or impaired, hence they are intertwined.
Thus, the existence of poor health in an economy has an impact on not only the quality of life of the people, but also in the economy level. Chronic diseases treatment is associated with high costs; hence it considered being a costly in the expenses incurred in the health care sector. Such a situation brings about pressure in the financial aspect that when compiled with pressure in the health aspect results to stress which costs the overall health. However, the poor health results to many cases of absenteeism and inefficiency hence low chances of promotion and earnings for the afflicted person.
To overcome such effects, people need to take a healthy lifestyle as a measure to overcome the consequences. These are the aspects such as exercise regime, proper diet, sleep and stress control. It is stated that efforts as slight as altering eating habits can come up with dramatic differences in terms of the health of the physical and motor well-being.
Paying special attention to our health is one of the biggest responsibilities we can take. Thus, investing in well-being is investing not only in our lives but in the lives of others, which leads to a healthier society.
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