Eating Right: : Nutrition for Women and men: The Covenant to Reach Maximum Performance

 # Eating Right: : Nutrition for Women and men: The Covenant to Reach Maximum Performance

One of the success factors of maintaining the right standards of health is that one ought to balance on their food intake in the right manner. Healthy diet helps in sustaining the basic nutrients required for the body to carry out its different processes in a proper manner.

## 1. Prioritize Whole Foods

Select foods that are not processed or are processed to a minimal degree. Meals should consist of healthy foods; fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods, lean meats/proteins and healthy fats. It is a packing material that contains nutrients that the body and cells need for standard running.

## 2. Embrace Variety

This is important because foods that contain lots of a specific nutrient will not be available in a single place. It also should be mentioned that, different colours observed in the foods like fruits and vegetables mean that the product contains different vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, if one desires to achieve great levels of health benefits, their advice is to ‘go for a highly colorful plate’, that is, consume fruits and vegetables of varying colors.

## 3. Mind Your Portions

Portion control is crucial. It also means that not even foods that are believed to have health benefits such as fruits, can be consumed in large quantities without gaining pounds on the scale. Finesse plates, listen to the body’s signals, and do not overeat because there is no other activity.

 ## 4. Stay Hydrated 


 Water is needed in so many functions of the body that it is considered to be the essence of life. Try not to be below the intake of eight glasses a day and even more if one is involved in some physical activities. Drinking fluids is important in the body so that the energy level and digestion process can be boosted. 


 ## 5. Reduce Amounts of Added Sugars and Salt 


 Actually, the consumption of excess sugar and salt has some adverse effects on the health such as obesity and high levels of blood pressure. Learn to read the labels they often contain hidden Sugar and instead of using sugar to spice up your food try and use natural sweeteners and natural spices such as herbs. 


 ## 6. Plan Your Meals 


 It is recommended that people should always plan for their meals so that they can end up taking healthy meals. It helps to eliminate the possibility of picking fast food and at the same time guarantees to have healthy food around. 


 ## 7. Listen to Your Body 


 This is because there are foods that can at times make your feel more sluggish than before or cause you to feel more energized. Of course, the organism of each person is unique, so it is necessary to make changes to the nutrition depending on the individual’s organism. 


 If there is a necessity to include these nutritional secrets in the actual everyday diet, they will make you feel healthier and more energetic. Of course, gradual changes accumulate, and one day you may find that your life has changed drastically. Begin with one or two tips and continue with the rest of the tips that will make change become a permanent thing in life.

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