Top 5 Symptoms of Mental Health Issues You Shouldn't Ignore

 **Five symptoms that should not be ignored in relation to mental illnesses** 


 In the present society, there is always pressure for work, fun or anything for procurement of basic needs and hence people miss some signs of mental health disorders in themselves or other people. Mental health is a part of a person’s health that is least respected, and is sometimes even ignored more than many physical health complications. Here are five symptoms that may indicate a deeper mental health issue:Below are the five signs that could be a sign of a mental health disorder: 


 **1. Self rated questionnaire 27: **Hopelessness and helplessness, poor concentration, mood swings. 


 Everyone feels sad sometimes, but if you are sad too often, and it interferes with your schedule, maybe this is depression. Swings in moods that may also be considered as excessive, recurrent, and/or persistent may also point to bipolar disorder. These conditions hence have a correlation with how an individual might excel in his or her responsibilities within a workplace, school or a social sphere. 


 **2. Severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Phobia, Generalised Anxiety Disorder 


 Stress is quite common; nevertheless, anxiety that does not subside as soon as the stress-inducing element is no longer present, is an indication of anxiety disorder. This can lead to panic disorders and phobias or simple anxiety that incapacitates a person in his everyday life. 


 **3. Appetite or sleep is one of the signs of COVID-19; this feature is characterized by alteration of sleep pattern as well as loss of appetite. 


 It is a fact that the aspects of sleep and eating are affected by many mental disorders themselves. If one cannot sleep or sleep more than required and simultaneously there is change in the eating habits, which makes one lose or gain weight, this could be an indication of depression or an eating disorder. 


 **4. Withdrawal from Social Activities** 


 Inability to engage in social activity or a sudden loss of desire to take part in social activity, might be a mark of an unhealthy mind. Psychomotor agitation or emotional changes where the patient presents with depression and withdraws from normal social activities is likely to be suffering from depressive disorder or anxiety disorder. 


**5. Another related and common substitute for the above is **Lack of concentration or Exhaustion** 
 Lack of energy, no motivation, and or the inability to concentrate on things that used to fascinate one or tasks that used to interest one can be signs of a mental illness. Any symptoms that in any way may affect the cognitive functioning of the individual, may be seen in cases of depression or anxiety or any other health condition that a person might be battling with. 
 Explaining these symptoms is the first step of seeking help for oneself or a loved one with possible mental illnesses. It is also valuable to know that as everyone has some small problems with a heart, the same thing is with a head, so it is possible to ameliorate a situation and cope with such problems by addressing to specialists. 

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